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Physicians In History Of Chile
(Julio Frank Salgado)

Biographical summary about 108 Chilean and foreigner doctors settled in Chile whom are considered great masters of medicine in that country. Each individual reference is comprised of two pages that describe with laudatory, simple terms, though including a large and various data and one portrait, the personality and work carried out by those professionals and scientists in the period extended from end of 19th Century unto past half of 20th Century. The work consists also of an introduction about the medical milestones of that times, especially foundation of medicine schools, specialized publications, State institutions and unions.

At same time, descriptions allow to see a wide panorama about different steps of Chilean medicine on that period. They indicate that, by means of their significant, powerful influence, great masters contributed decisively to notable development brought by profession and Chilean medical service as well along almost a century and in so different fields: science, Public Health, social medicine, teaching, hospital administration and even political History. Therefrom work?s title comes.

They are included, i.e., Augusto Orrego, Gregorio Amunátegui and Lucas Sierra, driving forces for scientific medicine in Chile; Hernán Alessandri, Rodolfo Armas and Alfonso Asenjo, inspirers of clinic and surgery; Juan Noé, Eduardo Cruz-Coke and Alejandro Lipschutz, professors of schools of medicine; Roberto del Río, Luis Calvo Mackenna, Carlos Monckeberg, Caupolicán Pardo, Joaquín Luco and Carlos Charlín, founders of medical specialties; Alejandro del Río, Ramón Corbalán and Lucio Córdova, developers of Public Health; Exequiel González, Eduardo Cruz-Coke and Salvador Allende, brainpower for social medicine; Eloísa Díaz and Ernestina Pérez, forerunners of women doctors, and many other specialists.

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