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The Alchemist
(Paulo Coelho)

All of us dream, sometimes,dream the impossible. These dreams always remain dreams and most of the times remain unknown to the world leave alone being accomplished.
The book ?The Alchemist? by Paulo Coelho is revolutionary in the sense it exhorts each one of us, irrespective of whether we are blessed with unusual talents or not, to hold on to our innocent dreams,to believe in them believe and accomplish them. The author believes that each one of us has a dream given to us by God and He gives us clues time and again so that we recognize those clues( ?omens?as he calls it) and follow those dreams with great zeal.
This book raises the hope of every common man and makes him feel special. It conveys the message that we are born here for a special deed and the universe conspires for us to be successful in that special deed albeit after facing a struggle.
It is the magical story of Santiago, an Andulasion Shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a treasure.He leaves his monotonous secure life and risks his stability by following the calling of his heart. From his home in Spain he journeys to the markets of Tangiers and into the Egyptian desert, where an encounter with the Alchemist awaits him.He is helped and guided in his journey by the omens and God himself.
This story is an enchanting tale of gumption and daring which tells us to accomplish our dreams by applying our total dedication and full might.It teaches us about the wisdom of listening to our hearts and following the omens.
This book is a must read for people of all ages especially young children as it is highly inspiring.It is a book which connects us with God and has the ability to change one?s life.

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