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Eclipses,earthquakes Are Linked
(p.naga prasad)

Eclipses,Earthquakes are linked

Eclipses are
indicators of impending naturaldisasters like Earthquakes
and cyclones. If you were to analyse the calamities,a
clear link between eclipses and earthquakes can be seen.
The recent quake that devastated Pakistan and Jammu and
Kashmir, hit just four days after Solar eclipse of 3
October. In January 2001 a severe earth quake that
shattered Gujarat was also preceded by an eclipse. This
phenomenon can explained in terms of the magnetic force
surrounding the planet. While the eclipse occurs, the
planet is subjected to severe magnetic force. The strength
of the force can be assesses from the study of
planetarymovements at that time. Ancient vedic texts
clearly state scientific methods to calculate the after
shocks,so that loss of human life is minimized. The
present planetary positions predict there?s more to come.
The monthof October lists two eclipses, a solar eclipse
which occurred on 3 October and a lunar eclipse which will
be witnessed on 17 october. A partial lunar eclipse will
occur in the zodiac sign Aries,on 17 October,Monday. The
eclipse which wil last for almost an hour s unique because
it?s the first partial eclipse belonging to Saros series
146. It is significant that is stars from the Revathi Star
and ends is Ashwin because normally an eclipse only occurs
under one star. The first and the last stars of the
Zodia,Aries and Pises will come under its influence. It is
likely that the effects of this eclipse will be felt within
a fortnight. The Himalayan Belt,Iran,Afghanistan,Russia
Egypt,Turket and the USA will come under its influsence.
The ill-effects of two eclipses occurring within a
fortnight could adversely affect individuals and naitns.
Severe yclonic stroms are predicted intghe Bay of Bengal in
the last week of October or the first week of November. A
storm will hit parts of Florida and New Orleans and air
disasters are ikely. If we are to study the planetary
positions at the time of an earthquake,it will throw light
on the frequency,area and the timing of these natural
disasters and adequate precautions can be taken.

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