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Mind - Its Mystries And Control
(Swami Sivananda Ji)

This wonderful book helps every spiritual aspirant cope up with all the difficulties he has with the annoying Mind and its Thoughts. Just as the Gita says, Mind is most powerful but troublent, Swami Sivananda Ji has tought here to Control this Mind. Swamiji Says, "To defeat your enemy, you must know all his powers and strategies. So, to defeat mind, seek all its mystries and strategies."

This book can be purchased from The Divine Life Society or its book centers, or downloaded from http://dlshq.org/ .

Read the book and know how can you achieve your inner soul, getting freedom from the annoying maya and its tool - Mind. You can get control of your Anger, Lust, Pride etc by knowing the secrets given in this book. Once you expertise in controlling the uncontrolled mind, then only you can know the true meaning of God, Soul, World and Truth. Just give yourself a chance to be counted among selected. Read this book once, and feel your inner strength.

The Divine Life Society also distributes this book for free on http://dlshq.org/ , ie Divine Life Society website. Its hard copy can be purchased for a minimal cost of about $ 3.

Swamiji is no more in this world. Still, his honble teachings are even today helping people to cross the deep lake of Unreal World.

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