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The Jungle
(Upton Sinclair)

The Jungle is a story about the Rudkus family but underneath it is the story of the slaughterhouses and the unparallel things they do there. Jurgis and his family move to Chicago and hoping to make a living get a job at the local slaughterhouse. The scenes of the slaughterhouse are extremely graphic and horrific. Jurgis finds out first hand how much like the animals the workers are treated. The company is only out of corporate agne and the greed is shown clearly throughout the story. They allow the sick and injured to work and handle the meat. The company allows cattle like conditions for these workers, putting them together on an assembly line, working hard, long hours. The animals are hacked up whether in healthy conditions or not. The floor despite dirty and probably diseased does not matter to the owners, it is meat and is scooped up and used in sausage.
This story destroys the American Dream, showing how immigrants are treated like animals and paid not enough to get by. It also shows that capitalism was the root of many owners of businesses at the time. But the biggest thing shown was the poor conditions these slaughterhouses were. After this book was published the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed, regulating the conditions a slaughter house and the meat should be in.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Jungle Book

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