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Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands
(Jorge Amado)

Dona Flor and her two Husbands

Jorge Amado gives the reader of ?Dona Flor and her Two Husbands? a view of the Bahia of 1943, in the carnival. The death of Vadinho, Husband of Flor, is the beggining of the conflict of this novel, characterized by the struggle of a woman in giving in to her most intimate desires.
Gigolo and compulsory gambler, Vadinho suddenly dies, in full carnival. Flor, his wife, is desolate. But the time passes and she goes on with her life, giving cooking lessons. She then meets an older man: Teodoro Madureira, a well-known pharmacist in the region, that is the perfect example of a serious and respecting man. She marries him, beggining a stable and organized life, completely different of that she had with her deceased husband. But she misses something, something in her intimacy with Teodoro is not what she expected. She starts thinking about Vadinho, with whom she had a wonderful sex life. Since her desires were not satisfied by her current husband, she starts wishing for the return of the other. And wished it so deeply, that the deceased fell from the sky in her bed, naked. Since then, she starts living a double life. With Teodoro, she has a perfect marriage, but warm, and fullfills herself as a woman with the spirit of Vadinho. She lives, since then, tormented by the doubt of wanting or not the presence of the deceased husband in her life, until she decides to live with the two of them: her husband and her lover. The novel is ponctuaded by some humorous situations created by the spirit condition of Vadinho, who can only be seen by Dona Flor.

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- Mrs. Flor (flower) And Her Two Husbands

- Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands

- Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands

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