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1st To Die
(James Patterson)

James Patterson has once again remade the crime thriller. At
first it was his lovable Alex Cross and his family which caught our
hearts but now he has reemerged with a new, unstoppable crime fighting
system, the Women's Murder Club, bound to leave you feeling both
shocked and heart wrenched at the same time. You won't want to
put it down.

This is the story of four friends, most who meet during the course of
an investigation, an investigation bigger then all of them, the bride
and groom murdered. These murders are horrible, with the man
killed quickly and the bride killed slowly and/or brutalized after
death. The police seem powerless to stop this vicious killer with
each kill speading farther and farther across the country.

Lindsay Boxer is a cop. She's got a lot on her chest, almost
literally. At the same time that the first bride and groom
victims are found, she finds out about some terrible news of her
own. A terrible disease is rampaging her body, leading to bouts
of weakness, near fainting and feeling like her chest will
explode. She's lead investigator on the bride and groom case and
she knows, she can't do it alone.

Claire Washburn is the medical examiner in the city of San Francisco,
where Boxer patrols as homicide inspector. Through their working
relationship, Claire and Lindsay have become good friends. She
personally examines the first four bodies, noticing things other ME's
wouldn't even think to look for, finding clues the killer left behind.

Cindy Thomas is a reporter at the Chronicle, dispatched to the scene of
the first murder because the crime reporters were all out. She
knows this is her big break and to everyone's surprise, she makes it
all the way up to the crime scene without being tugged away and even
follows Boxer to the second killings, forcing Boxer to work with her to
keep the investigation under wraps. It is then that the Women's
Murder Club is formed.

Jill Bernhardt is an assistant DA. She joins the little club to
help them organize the information they need to bring the killer down,
form a case and bring justice for the grieving families. At last
all the pieces of the puzzle come together, police, ME, press and DA
all in once little circle. All aspects of the investigation
concentrated to allow for the optimal results.

Whether its their jobs or personal lives, you won't want to put this
book down for any reason. So get smacking. Head down to
your nearest book store or library and start to reading. Just
make sure you have enough time to spend to read it all in one
sitting. You just might do it.

Resumos Relacionados

- First To Die

- First To Die

- The 6th Target

- The 5th Horseman (women's Murder Club)

- The 5th Horseman

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