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Life Of Pi
(Yann Martel)

A deceptively simple story leads into a profound exploration of the
individual nature of man's experience of life. Told from three
separate points of view, the entire novel sets up- and ultimately
leaves up to personal interpretation- questions about the reality of
the main events of the story, but these are largely left for the final
section. The bulk of the action takes place in a very limited and
improbable setting- a lifeboat in the middle of the sea. Pi is
the youngest son of an Indian zookeeper who decides to sell his zoo and
all the animals and move his family to America. The ship they
take is also providing passage for many of the former zoo denizens to
their new homes. When an explosion at sea sinks the ship, young
Pi is the lone human survivor, stranded at sea in a lifeboat- but not
alone. His companion for the long journey at sea is an enormous
Bengal tiger. It is Pi's relationship with this potentially
deadly companion, his growth into maturity through conquering his own
fear and then his gradual mastery of the situation- the balance he
strikes with the big cat between domination and submission- that
provides the main plot of the book. There are episodes which
expand the action from time to time, including a brief visit from a
barbaric castaway from another shipwreck and a visit to a mysterious
island with a deadly secret, but the majority of the book takes place
on the lifeboat and describes the interplay between Pi, the tiger, and
the ocean itself. It is during the last section of the novel that
the reader is taken to a deeper understanding of the nature of the
story, after Pi is rescued. This epilogue takes the form of a
recorded interview of the boy by two Japanese investigators trying to
piece together the story of Pi's amazing survival. To reveal any
of the secrets of these final pages of the novel would be unfair to
those who have not yet read this marvellous book, but suffice to say
that it leaves the reader with much food for thought. This is a
rare novel, one which combines a sense of adventure and respect for the
natural world with a modern viewpoint of the relative nature of reality
itself. Highly reccommended for all readers with a yearning for
exploration- both of the physical world, and of the new frontiers
within our minds.

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- Life Of Pi

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