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The Danisch Girl
(David Ebershoff)

The Danish girl tells the thrilling story of the successful painter Einar Wegener who on the thirties was changing his life dramatically. After he had struggled for a long time, he starts for a long journey, always accompanied by Greta, his loving wife. Greta already knows about his secret for a long time. One day she asks Einar to dress in woman clothes to be a model for her, because also Greta is a well-known and talented painter. Step by step she encourages her husband to show his true nature and to lead the live he always dreamed of. Einar timidly starts -- however only in his own house - to wear woman clothes and put make-up. Slowly he starts to understand that all the years in which he had frantically tried to satisfy the social specifications of manhood had been a waste of time and in fact he was hidding during all this time. From day to day Einar turns more and more to be Lili, the bright and sociable young lady who is always dressed and made up pernicketily and who enjoys so much life, more than Einar had ever done. Lili and Greta become good friends and Lili is gratefully for the comprehension shown by Greta. As time goes by Lili does not want to disguise herself any longer. She wants also physically to become a woman, to be able to fulfill her longings and wishes. She hates to look at her still male body. Greta helps her to find a doctor who can make Lili's wish come true. This isn't very simple at that time. Lili is the first one at which a sex change will be carried out. This is a long and wearing process but Lili is happy. She thinks, just like Greta, tightly that she will be physically a woman soon. She has a loving relationship Carlisle, who loves and desires her. Finally it is done. Lili has turned to a woman. But a new problem starts. Lili cherishes the wish of almost everybody woman. She wants to become a mother. This puts both her and the attending doctor to a hard test ...
A lovingly told novel, based on the diaries of Lili Elbe, and a destiny which really touches one's heart

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


