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The Jungle Book
(Rudyard Kipling)

This story has its setting in one of the thick jungles of North India. Mowlgi is a little baby boy who is found abandoned in the jungle by Akela, the leader of a pack of wolves. The defenseless, yet bold baby amazes the wolf and he is taken into the cave where the wolf?s family lives. There he is suckled by Raksha, the fierce wolf mother, along with the wolf?s cubs and is protected by them from Sher Khan, a lame tiger, who is on the lookout for easy meat.

Mowgli is taught the laws of the jungle as well as to hunt and think like the wolves. As he grows up with the cubs, strong and agile in the jungle, he makes friends with other animals too.

Ten years go by. Akela the pack leader becomes old and younger wolves are emboldened to kill Akela and hand Mowgli to Sher Khan. Mowgli uses fire to scare away the wolves. He catches Sher Khan, and, with the threat of fire, warns him to stay away.

Mowgli is heartbroken because he realizes now that he is man, meant to live with men and has to leave his home, the jungle.

The story details how Mowgli transits from jungle to village. Though the villagers take him in, he is ridiculed by the village priest who sees Mowgli as a threat to his authority because Mowgli knows that the priest?s mumbo jumbo about animals and ghosts is rubbish.

One day, Mowgli uses the village cattle and the help of his wolf friends to trap and kill Sher Khan the tiger, but the villagers, prompted by the priest, stone Mowgli when he returns after the kill. So Mowgli returns to the jungle where Akela and his family accept him happily.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Jungle Book

- Le Livre De La Jungle

- Mr Dongguo Mr.a Wolf

- O Livro Da Selva (le Livre De La Jungle)

- El Libro De La Selva

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