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State Of Fear
(Michael Crichton)

Here comes Michael Crichton with another blockbuster in
State of Fear, the novel which surely is going to take most
of Global Warming fans by surprise. To get a feel of what
this novel is all about just try to imagine that your
beautiful beaches are not going to be devoured by the rising
sea level rather there may be some more distance you got to
walk to reach the sea in future, which is losing a few
inches of water as the ice keeps on accumulating at a much
faster rate than its melting at Antarctica. In his latest
techno-thriller, this exactly is the point he brings out by
loading his book with the data collected from the
laboratories all across the world. Seems like Crichton did
his homework pretty well before setting himself up for
writing such a fiction, which in all terms can be clearly
considered as a negation of popular theories. But if you
thought this book is just all about facts and figures, you
are wrong, as it has all the content to be a readymade
script for a Hollywood movie. It has a protagonist, Kenner
who is exceptionally smart in every respect, a
philanthropist Morton, who is keen to save the world, where
a confused character in Evans carries a common man?s
perspective. You will be taken to a hair raising,
adventurous journey with Kenner and party to the most exotic
places in the world where they fight against the people who
are trying to make Global Warming a point by conspiring
against nature.
Amit Jha

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