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The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe
(Douglas Adams)

The emotional and moral recommendation made in the book is just a drop of sweet essence squeezed out from a constructive process of exclusive perceptions with regard to the mind and heart.

Life is though limited, the journey of life seems to be an endless strife for those who perceive it to be a burden. Time is the only factor that makes one perfect to a greater extent. T

The end of universe is nothing but the beginning of the same path. All over again! The psychological fact is sincerely not perceived nor followed by many. The reason is that majority of human race resort to the routine and are carried away by the way of life and their respective commitments. They may rather be quoted as a 'bunch' following a 'bunch'. Only a few get along to think in reality and realize about the 'restaurant at the end of the universe'. Good God! it is really a gift to know and feel such things: It indeed is eternal.

Imagine yourself in a 'coma' stage. You would know or feel nothing, but your instinctive will be alive! The external sources of actions or activations come to a standstill but the internal sources such as mind and heart do distinctively feel the command of subconscious mind. It is a proven psychological fact. It is a sort of dream. While asleep, you are onto be out of a dream and wake up after a stipulated span of time but whereas 'coma's duration is unpredictable. It is beyond medical measures.

'A restaurant at the end of the universe' makes us feel that we are not alone in this world. A matured mind and a kind heart makes a good combination to have a remarkable insight on the author's incredible expressions. We are amongst the stars and planets but still thrive to be aloof as ordinary as possible. This is just because of the stress and ignorance.

If you have time to read a book, watch a movie, go on a holiday, relax for a while or do something else as you wish, then why don't you find some time to feel 'the restaurant at the end of the universe' and have your seat for good?

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