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The Hound Of The Baskervilles
(Arthur Conan Doyle)

The Hound of Baskervilles is a breathtaking suspense
beautifully knotted around the
family history of
Baskervilles. Baskervilles are a royal class family and the
character from this family in the story is Henry
Baskerville, a respected gentleman who is skeptical about
the existence of a hound that has been troubling the family
of Baskervilles for years. As the myth goes, the family of
Baskervilles is cursed as the successors in the family are
being killed by the hound, incidentally the terrifying
character of the story. As the author describes this
character, it is a black big hound with terrific features
like shining eyes and a shining black body. To add to the
mystifying element of the story, it is perfected by the
presence of a big moor area near the house of Baskervilles
in which the hound of Baskervilles is said to reside and
make attempts on the successors of Baskervilles.Its the
time of Henry Baskerville, a respected gentleman and a
friend of Dr.Watson and as such a friend of Sherlock
Holmes. Enter this intelligent detective who is now bound
with the task of saving Mr. Henry Baskerville and also
solve the mystery of Baskervilles as to why the successors
of the family are the main preys of the hound. The story
takes a steep turn at a point when the great detective
finds it difficult to find a solution to this mystery. And
now there are beautiful twists in the story only to add to
the horror in the story, the deadline for the lifetime of
Henry Baskerville has been met. Its high time for Sherlock
Holmes to have a conflict with fate, strange things do
happen but the introduction of various other important
characters like the Stapleton and other important aspects
pertaining to their family background helps Mr. Holmes to
bring out the last minute highly thrilling climax
beautifully described by Arthur Conan Doyle really brings
out a clear picture of the incidents as if they are truly
being visualized by us.
This work of Conan Doyle is
really a highly appreciative work with all the characters
of the story having their role to play to add to the
mystery of the story. Nevertheless, The Hound of
Baskervilles is a breathtaking work by Arthur Conan Doyle
and would really thrill those who like stories knitted with
mystery and suspense.

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- The Hound Of The Baskervilles

- The Hound Of The Baskervilles

- The Hound Of The Baskervilles

- The Hound Of The Baskervilles

- The Hound Of The Baskervilles

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