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The Essence Of The Thing
(Madeline StJohn)

AMAZING and PRECISE , thats the only two words with which
one can sum up the book.

The author has very accurately described the many
many shades of the relationship.
Its not one of those cheap stuff (which leaves you
high and dry)about a relationship dilema,instead the
essence of the thing in the real sense was with the
tender,undercurrent feelings,which really touches your

The story is about ,Jonathan and Nicola,a livin
relationship couple and how(out of no where)Jonathan
decides to call it quits.
Nicola on the other hand is toungue tied and grief
sticken because she does not understand the reason for the
break up.
As a matter of fact ,Jonathan has no rational
And thats where the amazing part is.

Hats off to Madeline St.John who could write about
every emotion with such beauty and clarity.
She catches the pulse of the reader right and its
nothing less than sheer wit and grace.
In the end,when Jonathan realises the importance of
Nicola and decides to apoligize and pleads for
forgiveness,one does not understand whether to feel sorry
for this crying man or not.

The author gives the last word to the reader.


Resumos Relacionados

- Jonathan Livingston Seagull

- Uncoupling

- Jonathan Livingston Seagull

- Jonathan Livingston Seagull

- Lovestory

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