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Some More Stock Tips
(K V)

Some more Stock tips
1. New products, services or leadership. If a company has a dynamic new product or service, or is capitalizing on new conditions in the economy, this can have a dramatic impact on the price of a stock.
2. Leading stock in a leading industry group. Nearly 50% of a stock?s price action is a result of its industry group?s performance. Focus on the top industry groups, and within those groups select stocks with the best price performance. Don?t buy laggards just because they look cheaper.
3. High-rated institutional sponsorship. You want at least a few of the better performing mutual funds owning the stock. They?re the ones who will drive the stock up on a sustained basis.
4. New Highs. Stocks that make new highs on increased volume tend to move higher. Outstanding stocks usually form a price consolidation pattern, and then go on to make their biggest gains when their price breaks above the pattern on unusually high volume.
5. Positive market. You can buy the best stocks out there, but if the general market is weak, most likely your stocks will be weak also. You need to study our ?The market talks. Listen, to spot the best.? ? Module 8 and learn how to interpret shifts in the market?s trend.
6. You should not buy on dips. This is a strategy that doesn?t give you a strong probability of making a profit. Remember a stock that has dipped 25% needs to rise 33% to recover the loss and a stock that has dipped 50% needs to double to get back to its old high.

Market Direction.
Is the Market Heading South?: Check out the NSE Nifty and BSE Sensex charts in newspaper every day. Observe the price and volume changes, there may be some selling on a rising day. The key is that volumes may increase on a day as the index closes lower or is range-bound. Studying the general market averages is not the only tool. There are other indicators to spot a topping market: A number of the market's leading stocks will show individual selling signals. In a falling market start selling your worst performing stocks first. If the market continues to do poorly, consider selling more of your stocks. You may need to sell all your stocks if the market doesn't turn around. If any stocks fall 8% below your purchase price, sell immediately. However, if you have tremendous confidence on the company stick to your pick.
Is the Market Turning Upwards?: After a prolonged fall, the market will try to bounce back and try to rally from the low levels. However, you can't tell on the first or second day if the rally is going to last, so, as wise investor, you don't buy on the first or second day of a rally. You can afford to wait for a second confirmation that the market has really turned and a new uptrend or bull market has begun. A follow-through will occur if the market rallies for the second time, showing overwhelming strength by closing higher by one per cent with the volume higher than the day's volume. A strong rebound usually occurs between the fourth and seventh session of an attempted rally. Sometimes, it can be as late as the 10th or 15th day, but this usually shows the turn is not as powerful. Some rallies will fail even after a follow-through day. Confirmed rallies have a high success rate, but those that fail usually do so within a few days of the follow-through. Usually, the market turns lower on increasing volume within a few days.
When the market begins a new rally, stocks from all sectors don't rush out of the gates at the same time. The leading industry groups usually set the pace, while laggards trail behind. After a while, the top sprinters may slow down and pass the baton to other strong groups who lead the market still higher.
Investors improve their chances of success by homing in on these leading groups. Investors should be wary of stocks that are far beyond their initial base consolidated point/stage. After the market has corrected and then turns around,ks will begin shooting out of bases. Count that as a first-stage of a breakout. Most investors are wary of jumping back into the market after a correction. Plus, the stock hasn't done much lately; so many investors won't even notice the breakout. But the fund managers would take buy positions at this stage.
After a stock has run up 25 per cent or more from its pivot point, it may begin to consolidate and form a second-stage base. A four-week or other brief pause doesn't count. A stock should form a healthy base, usually at least seven weeks before it qualifies. Also, when a stock consolidates after rising around 10 per cent, it's forming a base on top of a base. Don't count that it as a second stage.
When the stock breaks out of the second-stage base, a few more investors see this as a powerful move. But the average investor doesn't spot it. By the time the stock breaks out of the third-stage base, a lot of people see what's going on and start jumping in.

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