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Introduction To The Book

Once upon a time, there lived five friends, who were famous for their laziness and idiocy. The villagers had given nicknames for each of them according to their habits and behaviors, which they took to be compliments and felt comforted. These nicknames, Mudan, Murkhan, Matti, Milliachan and Madayan, later became their permanent names. They used to starve for several days without food. Eventually, they decided to become disciples of a guru as a guru was always respected in the society and always got food from the people. Hence, they would not have to starve again. The five stupid friends met a guru called Paramathma guru, who was very old and equally lazy as them. The guru realized that he could send the disciples to beg for food and hence live a serene and work-free life. Paramathma guru readily accepted them as his disciples. The guru and the five disciples rejoiced at their union.

Resumos Relacionados

- Autobiography Of A Yogi

- Sikhism

- New Harizon

- The Need Of A Master

- Reminiscences Of Swami Vivekananda

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