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Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
(Douglas Adams)

Did you know that a handkerchief is the most important thing one needs when travelling across the galaxy? It's not only practical but it also helps to make a goop impression. This and other indispensable pieces of information can be found in the Hitchhiker's Giude to the Galaxy. It is a useful handbook of space in which Ford Prefekt, the space traveller and the extraterrestial gather information. Unfortunately Ford has been shipwrecked on Earth for fifteen years but the book starts from the point where the Earth collapses and he sees his chance to escape by hitching a lift from a passing space ship. With him he takes his good friend Arthur Dent who is just an average joe from England. Arthur Dent is a sympathetic yet somehow confused. Unfortunately the ship is owned by a Vogon. Vogons, like upright bureaucrats, tend to torture their visitors by forcing them to listen Vogon poetry. The two frieds are saved at the last moment by a heart of gold, a space ship equipped with the endles improbability drift which was stolen from Zaphod Beeblebrox, Ford's cousin and the president of the galaxy, Trillian, a beautiful mathematics student, and Marvin, a cynical robot who is so depressed that others want to commit suicide when they are forced to listen to him. Together they all travel to Margarethea, an unreal planet that only exists in myths. After a near death plunge the group lands at Margarethea where Arthur meets an old man who tells him the truth about Earth, people and mice. It seems that mice have had a greater influence on human life than one can understand. Hitchhiker's Guide should be a part of the all-round education and those of you who haven't read it, what are you wating for? But be prepared because after you've read the book you won't see white mice the way you used to do. They know more than you think...

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- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

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