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(The Bible)

jeremías was a prophet of the town of Anatot,su name means: Jehovah raises. I announce in juda during the reigns of josías, joacim, Joaquin and sedequias and its call was in the 626 a.C and its ministry continued until caida of jerusalem in the 586 a.C. the message was against you lead Jewish and its inclination by the idolatry by means of cults paganos.jeremias 7:1 by the desolation of the town, being that stops the prophet jeremias the salvation of Israel podia not to separate from the faith in God and to fulfill obedience its statutes.jeremias wise that if it did not respect the pact with God, could be destroyed.
the new pact: to read 31: 27-40 it is the espiritual that occurs between God and the men, where register the statutes of the law in the heart, pardoning asi the iniquidades and not to bring to memory pecados.jeremias talks about at moments who the sin must be punished, but remembering that a sincere repentance leads to salvation.
Idolatria it we can name wealth, SOCIAL POSITIONS ,but, the sin is the same one. God HERE, calls to obdecer to him bringing with himself restauraTION, blessings and I cheer this book is but the long one of the bible, aqui are many styles containing a POETIC also using simbologias like cinto of linen (that indicates deep RELATION with Dios);la tinaja of wine that means the divine punishment that will have on jerusalem, where the embriaguez the distraction,and then God to break them.
the messages that this book establishes are that the pride precedes the captivity, sword, hunger and pestilencia, where aui the town requested misedicordia. in I capitulate 18 speaks of potter (God) and the mud (we), despues is another symbolism of vasija broken: this means the breaking of the town of Israel, also estan the 70 years of desolacion(I capitulate 25), the judgment of the nations, the future prosperity of juda(I capitulate 31: 23) the judgment against egipto(capitulo 46)el caida site and of jerusalem (I capitulate 52)donde temples and the city is sacked and set afire, and the town is taken captive to Babylonian.

Resumos Relacionados

- Isaiah

- Iii. Amos

- Book Of Zechariah

- The Twelve Minor Prophets:

- The Twelve Minor Prophets:

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