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The Gods Of Eden
(William Bramley)

Bramley is the kind of person who seems to become my friend, time and time again. In a land full of prophets (Israel) in which I live, I am always surrounded by people who have a great theory that explains it all. They have published a book, or are writing one, and somehow I seem to encounter these people again and again.
Bramley in "God of Eden" brings an interesting theory that we are exploited since the beginning of time by aliens, coming from other planets. These aliens present themselves quite often as gods, start new religions or doctrines and by doing this they create wars. These wars keep the humankind in its state of slavery to the outer forces that decide for us. Probably these aliens or gods are the one who started humankind by genetic engineering. How they do it? They do it through an international ring of secret societies. Some of them are more know than others like the freemasons or the Templars, others are more obscure. These societies supports aliens, by spreading apocalyptic messages (followed by a 1000 years of peace) and in their way of helping the aliens become rich and powerful.
Yes, of course there is more to the book than that. You can expect more almost 500 pages. However, if you want to make such claims you need a lot of proof and Bramleys just proves in his books that it's only his idea and no proof is given to the reader of all this relationship. He is no doubt a great specialist in secret brotherhoods, and states this in more than 250 pages which are dedicated to freemasonry and other sects. It makes this book specially valuable for people interested in freemasonry, whether they believe in UFO's or not.
I find it quite real that there are aliens and UFO's, and there is enough prove of it from ancient times to this day. But every word that Bramley uses in this book to prove that these aliens are bad and manipulative can be used as a proof of the opposite, they may as well be helping the humankind from time to time escape destruction. Bramley goes as far as stating that all the wars are caused by aliens. This raises the question of, why? if we are they slaves why they want us dead? Or, if they want us dead, how come we have multiplied to be 6 billion people on earth? and then comes the big question, what are the aliens getting from this planet? Maybe what they want is dead people, and they use their ashes as energy, or maybe they use our farts to keep themselves warm... I am taking this to the limit, since there is not even one hint of answer to it in this book.
Even if his theory was true, we must be left with our head back to the wall. If these aliens, that are probably far superior technologically to anything we can imagine, are governing us so badly, then there is nothing we can do about it. Then maybe he is the ultimate apocalypse, there is no redemption possible, since all we are is some kind of energy to other entities. At the end of the book, Bramley tries to answer this question by offering the possibility of having peace talks with the aliens. Now, Mr. Bramley, whet will these aliens talk to us if they are exploiting us for thousands of years or more now? and as you say, they are doing it with such success. Bramley's gods have no compassion, on the contrary, they are only after our sweat and destruction. Isn't this again the most Calvinist thought you can imagine?
Bramley has not convinced me that people and only people can't be responsible for the eruption of wars. And that this is made by a small elite, occult or not.
Bramley also seems to give much more importance to secret cults than anyone has done before. They are not just a preparation for some leaders, according to Bramley they are the occult leaders of the world. Since secret orders are just that, secret by their own definition, anything and the opposite can be said about them, and since they are secret they won't stand and defend themselves. It's probable that some secret orders have influenced history or are still inng some events in this world. But it's highly improbable that they decide everything.
While all over the book there is a highly humanistic (and not secular, but catholic and religious humanism) view of the world, and Bramley firmly believes in the goodness of human kind, this books just can push most people to fear and despair. I think that many apocalyptic books will come out of his ideas, if they have not been published already.
The good part of this book is that it made me think, as you can see, and raised may questions in my mind, major questions about humanity. And that is what a good book should do, raise questions and make people think. For it, I give him 4*.

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