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The Crocodile River
(Thomas Mthoba)

The Crocodile River
Limpopo River is one of the biggest rivers, which almost one in every three adults knows world ?wide, this is not only known for its collection of water from inland Zimbabwe to the sea, but have big historical and political records attached to it.
I was driving to Zimbabwe, one day when I only noticed, how big this river was, The height of the bridge is about seventy meters high, but from that distance there is only one thing you can enjoy to see, that is the crocodiles resting on the river sand. There were close to a thousand Crocodiles sleeping that day if my estimation is correct, and one wonders how these reptiles survive.
As I was watching these Crocs, I thought of historical events which happened, in Southern Africa, that is when there was domestic fighting in South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe, from the late sixties, I remembered that freedom fighters used to swim about fifty to hundred meters to cross the river. There is only one question you will ask yourself, if you can visit this river that is where were these Crocs when the fighters cross the river? The so-called comrades sacrificed their lives crossing this river with the hope for better life. Nobody crossed the river with hope of doing it twice again in his lifetime, but were they correct? As I was still watching these crocs, I looked down the river, from a distance of about three hundred meters I saw a group of people, crossing the same river, this time there were from the Zimbabwean side, towards South Africa. There were close to two hundred men and women, hoping for better life this time in South Africa. I asked the policeman who was standing there, are you aware of this influx? He said yes for sure, there is nothing we can do, he went on to say close to two thousands Zimbabwean crosses this crocodile infested river per day. But the question remains, how many real arrive to the other side of the river? The police officer said more than one hundred are killed or injured per day by these crocodiles, with also more than one thousand drowned per year in this river. Is this not Tsunami? The blame of this terrible situation is shouldered on Mugabe, but I think it?s high time for people to shift the blame to other forces. The United Nations is just a toothless barking bulldog, with Koffie Annan as the dog handler. You know where ever you go in Africa, whites put a black man to be the gatekeeper, and Koffie is just that. If there were principles or regulations to be followed, I don?t think, thousands of people could have died in Iraq? Now millions of people are dieing in Zimbabwe, where is the United Nations? What they only do is to blame Mugabe, why can?t they take action against him like Iraq and Afghanistan? In other words, the United Nations is feeding these crocodiles in Limpopo River with these people. Are think who ever have power in this world body must be taken to International Court of Justices, to answer these allegations. The situation is out of hand with; South Africans who used to be hard on foreigners softening their hearts.

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