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The Merchant Of Venice

In this epic story by Shakespear, Antonio, a rich Venician merchant stands surety for his friend Bosanio, a luxury-loving guy who wants to borrow 3000 ducats from Shylock to court Portia. Shylock is a Jewish money lender who asks interest on his loans. Neither he nor Antonio can stand each other and this is exactly where the plot lies. Antonio's money is tied up in his ships, due back in 2 months time. But some unexpected news reaches him and his life is now at stake. Meanwhile Bosanio is in Belmont try to pass the test of Portia's father. Shall he chose the gold, sliver or lead casket? Will he pass the test? Just to make everything worse, Shylock's daughter, Jessica, elopes with her Christian boyfriend, taking a rather large lot of Shylocks riches with them. A lighter story than the usual Shakespear filled with love, greed, betrayal, revenge, and some witty pearls of wisdom.

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