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Second Chance
(Danielle Steele)

What has come over Danielle Steele? She has actually found happy endings! And I am not one for complaining! Being a sucker for happy endings, Second Chance could rate in my top-twenty list.

It?s a stunning story of modern misadventures, career-crossed relationships, the heady magic of instant attraction and the hope that comes when we dare to do it all over again. It?s a tale of finding the ?right kind of wrong? meant for you.

Its about going for second chances and not letting your ego get in the way. And letting love finds its place in your heart - yet again. Perhaps that is the secret for eternal youth!

?Second Chance? is a beautifully written book about a super busy fashion magazine editor whose entire live revolves around her work, her dog and the GTs she throws. Fiona Monaghan lives the life as the ultimate editor behind the glossy façade of the arcane world of fashion. Enters John Anderson into her life and wreaks havoc on her structured life style. Fiona starts thinking long term planning ? a novelty for her. John proposes marriage, Fiona agrees. Hell breaks lose at John?s house ? with him being a widower and having two grown-up daughters. The focus of Danielle Steele than rests on the breaking up of the marriage due to career demands and lack of communication.

We are then thrown a couple of years into future with Fiona, a retired editor and a novelist. Her counter with John revisits bittersweet memories, yet she fears rejection - still carrying hurt from their six-month marriage that resulted in a quick divorce.

It is the end result of john earning back Fiona?s trust and giving themselves a second chance in life and love that brings this brilliantly written narrative by Danielle Steele to an end.

Perhaps in life, its indeed never too late to make a fresh start.

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