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Learning To Teach Children...
(Samantha Thompson)

When learning how to teach children we must think of how they need to be taught. How can we make sure that our words do not flow into one ear and out the other? How can we make educating our children less of a task and more fun for everyone involved? How can we teach our children to have a love of learning? The answers are simple: With proper guidance, correct tone of voice, lots of eye contact, carefully chosen words, etc. The way that a child is spoken to will determine how they will interpret all of the words that they hear, along with deciding how well their attention will be captured and focused. I have learned that unless I have the full attention of my children that they do not listen. The tone of voice used when speaking to children should always be gentle and loving, and never degrading or cruel. Making eye contact frequently with your children shows them that you are in tune to their needs and are putting your effort into helping them to understand. This makes the children who are being taught much more open-minded to the wisdom you are sharing with them, and also more conscious of the reason you are sharing it.
As parents we have the responsibility to teach our children everything that they need to know in order to become well-adjusted, productive, self assured, responsible adults. The more we can teach our children the more they will learn. Lessons can come into play in all conversations, actions, and also through body language and demonstration. Everything from table manners to the alphabet can be learned and understood as early as two years of age when a child is taught. By age four children can have learned many aspects of life such as respect, honesty and trust. We, as parents, have the duty to answer all of the questions that our children ask. When the answers are unknown to us we must educate ourselves so that we can in return educate our children. When our children see that we their parents believe that they have the ability to learn then they will, now and always.
As adults dealing with children we so often forget that we need to learn and progress as much as our children do. We get set in our ways, knowing everything and being the superior role model of tiny fragile minds. We forget that we are children too, so long as we were born to parents. When a mistake is made it does not need to become a tragedy, and will not if it is learned from. Each mistake that we make holds room for a lesson that we can teach ourselves. Once that lesson has been learned we will not repeat the same mistake. It should only take once, and be learned the first time around, although usually is not. No one has ever been perfect, is perfect or will be perfect so we better face the facts. We need to learn everything that we haven?t yet been taught and need to know. No more, no less. Knowledge is ever changing, just as our minds are. There is always room for acceleration and improvement.

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