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The Old Man And The Sea
(Earnest Hemingway)

?The Old man and the Sea? written by Earnest Hemingway won the Nobel Prize in 1954.
There is a 74 year-old fisherman, Satiago who live in Cuba.He often goes fishing on the warm Sea off-shore La Habana.
He had fished 40 days with a boy named Manolin but they didn?t have a catch. Manolin's parents decide the old man is unlucky and order their son to join another boat. One day, Sachiago puts out to the sea alone. He finds out a large fish and the fight between the man and the fish begins. The fish try to swim far , pulling his fishing boat floating on the high sea.As the sun goes down next evening, the fish comes out of the water quickly and descends into the water again . That?s an enormous marlin, two feet longer than the skiff.He fights with all the best will in the world until he is exhausted. At last, the marlin is defeated and lashed along side his skiff.
An hour after Santiago killed the marlin, a mako shark appears, Santiago rammed the harpoon down onto the shark head and its dead-body sinks slowly tinto the deep ocean water. The next attacker is a single shovel-nosed shark is also killed. At sunset, more sharks appear. Unfortunately, he has a club. He cannot kill the shark with the club, but can damage them enough to prevent their return.In the night, a pack of sharks came. Although he tries to fight but it is useless. When the boat arrives at the harbour, what Sanchiago has is the skeleton of the marlin. The story ends with the unsuccess of Sanchiago. Despite his lack of success, he still keep his undefeated spirit.
The work gives expression to the belief of man in his own self and shows a feeling of sadness about human?s plight in this world. It?s a epic of human being.

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- The Old Man And The Sea, 1952

- The Old Man And The Sea, 1952

- The Old Man And The Sea, 1952

- The Old Man And The Sea

- The Old Man And The Sea

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