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Jurassic Park
(Michael Crichton)

One day, a
strange lizard attacks children in Costa Rica. A sample of the lizard?s
skeleton is sent to a lab at Columbia University. A lab technician believing it
is a dinosaur calls Dr. Alan Grant, the renowned paleontologist, who confirms
it. Grant and his research partner, Dr. Ellie Sattler, fly to Isla Nublar, an
island of Costa Rica, as a consultants for InGen.

Hammond, an important financial supporter of Grant?s fossil digs, has turned
Isla Nublar into a zoo called Jurassic Park, which is full of dinosaurs that
Dr. Wu has cloned using a breakthrough genetic engineering technology. Donald
Gennaro, Hammond?s lawyer, takes Grant, Sattler and the mathematician Ian
Malcolm for a trip through the island to check whether the place is safe enough
for visitors.

doesn?t approve the idea and predicts disaster. Dennis Nedry, the computer
technician who designed the park?s complicated computer network has been hired
to steal fifteen dinosaur embryos from the Park for the Biosyn Corporation.

Park is based on the automated, computer-driven technology and machinery. When
Nedry shuts down the park?s security system to steal embryos, the other park?s
systems start to malfunction. Nedry gets lost on his way to the docks, where he
is to deliver embryos, and is devoured by an escaped dilophosaur, a
venom-spitting dinosaur. John Arnold, the park?s engineer, tries to fix the
system lockdown.

Due to the
power outage, electric guided-tour cars with Grant,the park publicist Ed Regis,
Malcolm and Hammond?s two grandchildren, Tim and Lex, on board stop just
outside the tyrannosaurus paddock. The electrified fences doesn?t work which
allows the t-rex to break through the dormant fence, eating Regis and injuring
Malcolm. Grant and children run away to the park on foot. Robert Muldoon and
Gennaro start searching the others. They find Malcolm and bring him to the
park?s veterinarian, Dr. Harding.

Soon the
computer system is fixed by Arnold, but Malcolm warns that according to chaos
theory, things will soon get much worse. Muldoon and Gennaro venture out again
to find the t-rex. Meanwhile, Grant and children hide in the visitor center.
Grant discovers evidence that the dinosaurs have been breeding although the
park scientists have claimed that all the dinosaurs are female.

Before they
return to the lodge, the power has gone again, and the intelligent
velociraptors are on the loose. The raptors kill Arnold while he tries to turn
on the generator. Malcolm, Sattler, Harding, Wu, Muldoon, and Hammond are
trapped in the lodge. Grant leaves Tim and Lex in the cafeteria and goes to
turn on the power. He manages to do it. Meanwhile, a raptor stalks kids but Tim
locks it in the freezer.

All the
people who know the computer system are now dead. Tim, a computer-savvy,
reactivates the electric fences and calls the supply ship, which is about to
dock in Costa Rica.

Gennaro, Sattler, and Muldoon venture out to find the velociraptor nest. While
waking outside the lodge, Hammond trips over and falls down to a ravine, where
he is eaten by small dinosaurs. Later on, Malcolm dies from complications from
his earlier injury. Finally, the Costa Rican National Guard show up, take
everyone away, and blow up the island.

waiting for the Costa Rican officials to release him, is told about some
unidentified lizards traveling in packs through the jungle on mainland Costa

Resumos Relacionados

- The Jurassic Park

- Dinopix

- Jurrasic Park

- Tasmania

- The Skeleton Coast

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