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Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants
(Ann Brashares)

Four totally different girls, from four totally different backgrounds are friends because their mothers were in the same aerobics class for pregnant women. While shopping in a second-hand clothing store with Lena and Effie, for Effie's dress for the sophomore prom, Carmen found the pants. Blue denim, slightly faded and only $3.49, she bought them. Not because she truly wanted them, but to aggravate Lena's mom who hated anything second hand. It's not until Carmen is packing her suitcase to visit her father that the girls find out about the pants. One by one they try them on. All different shapes and sizes, but the pants all fit them like a glove. A magical glove, enhancing every curve and self image on very girl; even curvaceous Carmen. It is in a ceremony of the pants, that they become the Sisterhood- vowing
1. To never wash the pants
2. Never double cuff- it's tacky
3. Never think fat or say phat while wearing the pants
4. Never let a boy take off the pants
5. Never pick you nose while wearing the pants etc.
Passing the pants from girl to girl, their adventures for the first summer they are apart begin and take shape, through the magic of the pants.

I found this to be a wonderful book for mothers and daughters to read and talk about because it deals with real issues. It was great that we decided to read this before going to see the movie, because than we were able to discuss not only the book but then the movie, and then the differences and similarities between them.

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