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(Jane Austen)

?Emma? is one of six novels written by Jane Austen. Ms. Austen began writing ?Emma? in 1815 and it was published in 1816. As she wrote ?Emma,? her fourth novel, Ms. Austen was quoted as writing ?I am going to take a heroine whom no one but myself will much like.? On the surface, it would appear that indeed with the character of Emma Woodhouse, Ms. Austen did succeed her goal, for Emma is a snob, a busy-body and spoiled, but she is also generous, smart, funny, and kind. The book has often been referred to as Jane Austen's most technically brilliant book
?Emma? is the story of a young woman who is living at her father's estate and has too much mental energy to content herself only with the preening and entertaining that was customary for unmatched females of the day. Emma added match- making and busy-bodying to her daily affairs, much to the chagrin of her friends and acquaintances. Her matchmaking often turned sour, but not without humorous undertones.
Ms. Woodhouse is driven to match her low-status friend, Harriet, with a high-status bachelor. This single-mindedness is in itself is a reflection of her strong willed determination though throughout the tale, we can see where Emma is far too nearsighted concerning her friend's thoughts and feelings to actually do Harriet any good. Emma does not truly listen to Harriet, nor the bachelors whom she considers as suitable mates for Harriet.
The first match that Emma makes for Harriet is with Mr. Elton, whom Emma believes has an interest in Harriet. She takes time to set up meetings with the two, only to find that Mr. Elton is not interested in Harriet, but in Emma herself. Having sworn off any romantic interests for herself, Harriet disregards Mr. Elton and searches for another available suitor for Harriet.
The story is entertaining, light, and chok-full of the romantic language of a true classic.

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- Emma

- Emma

- Emma

- Emma

- Emma

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