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(Toni Morrison)

Toni Morrison's novel Paradise weaves a powerful tale of mystery in a 19th century Oklahoma town during the Civil War where murder and the triumphs of evil erupt in a tapestry of multi-layered and multi-facted human experiences. Morrison weaves the human drama into a network of intricate and deliberate happenings that interconnect with purpose and symmetry in exploring the depth of characters who at once repulse and create empathy in decisions that have a resounding impact on the town of Ruby. Paradise is a book about the power of relationships and the pain that is inherent in the human experience. It is a book contrived in the premise of one's perception of right and wrong and the decision-making that characterizes the belief in the righteousness of one's action. The brutual killing of the women of The Convent is a testimony to sacrifice and spiritual cleansing that typified the behavior and religious belief of the 19th century. The implications of race create a profound impact on the brutality that begins the story. The deliberate intention of men armed with a mission to seek and destroy human beings who exist in a metaphor of independence and solitude exudes a sad tale of tragic and painful human actions that leave the reader bedazzled by the spectacle of death and destruction.Toni Morrison is a genius at understanding the complexities of the human psyche in her tapestry of imagery, metaphor and epic literary movement that is both universal and individual in a novel, Paradise that challenges the reader to look deeply into the intricate connection of one's ancestral origins and one's actions and ultimately to take responsibility for being wrong.

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