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There's A Wocket In My Pocket
(Becci Murray)

There?s a Wocket in my Pocket

Only one man can rhyme ?Cupboards? with ?Nupboards? and still become one of the most successful children?s authors of our time. He is, of course, the legendary, the most fantastariously astute - (if he can make words up, then so can the rest of us) - Dr. Theodor Seuss Geisel.
Seuss, as any self-respecting five-year-old will tell you, is the man responsible for such Wubbulous works as ?The Cat in the Hat,?, ?The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,? and, the very book in question, ?There?s a Wocket in my Pocket?, first published in 1974 for the ?early reader?. The unfortunate young lad and unnamed star of the book, a boy who is worryingly accepting of the furry green Wocket protruding from the back pocket of his trousers, faces the daily trauma of having a Noothgrush on his toothbrush and a Quimney up his chimney with a bravery that is second to none, only to be faced by a Jim Henson style extravaganza of beasts when he unwittingly discovers no less than a Teller, a Nellar, a Gellar, a Dellar, a Bellar, a Wellar, and, who?d have believed it, a gangling great Zellar, all in the basement of his brightly decorated, art nouveau house. (Sorry, that should be ?cellar?, not basement.)
For those who have yet to chance upon reading this fabulously flamboyant book, prepare yourself for the shock of how highly influential Seuss?s diction will be to your sanity, should you seek this little gem from the pre-school section of your local library. For instance, having read the book to your eager child - who has undoubtedly sat overjoyed, gobsmacked, or in a state of severe terror throughout, (dependent of course upon age, temperament, and the extent of his/her desensitisation to Seuss?s fictional creatures due to watching too many Harry Potter movies) - the adult reader will discover that, no matter how hard they try, it is impossible for them to reply to an office-mate?s request of ?Can I borrow your three-hole-punch?? without reference to the Snee-Mole-Nunch who has been residing upon it for some weeks now.
And here?s an interesting fact for you: amongst the thirty-four pairs of intentionally rhymed words in Seuss?s ?There?s a Wocket in my Pocket?, it is interesting to note that only eight of these consist entirely of actual words, the remaining thirty-one all contain at least one Seussified exclamation; quite a feat by anyone?s standards.
?There?s a Wocket in my Pocket? is a gathering of characters comparable only to Mardis Gras on Sesame Street and created by a veritable genius of the children?s fiction genre. And as for those who disagree, as for those who frivolously snub Dr. Theodor Seuss Geisel and tar him with the brush of ?nonsense writer?? Well, I defy anyone to revile a man whose artistic talent was such that he could actually invent words, completely fabricate language in order to rhyme the un-rhymeable, and still create books that will inspire and excite young imaginations for many years to come. The man is truly an inspiration.

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