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Nathan's Run
(John Gilstrap)

Since Nathan Bailey was a very young child, he's had a very hard life. His mother left Nathan and his father when Nathan was just a young boy. Then when Nathan was nine his father got into a horrible car accident and died instantly. The only family that Nathan had left was his father's brother, Nathan's uncle, who was a mean and abusive alcoholic. Everyday he was getting verbally and physically abused. One day, at ten years old he decided to take his uncle's car out for a ride. Being the mean man that he is, he called the cops and had Nathan sent to a Juvenile Detention Cener until he was eighteen. Nathan being very small for his age did not too well in the Detention Center. He got beat up and made fun of everyday he was there.

After a little while, Nathan couldn't take it anymore. Even the guards were beating on him. The day came, one of the guard came into the cell and what he saw was a knife, alot of blood and Rich, one of the guards, lying dead on the floor, and no Nathan. Was it self-defense or a kid trying to escape "jail". Nathan is now running the streets trying to get someone to believe him, the killing was self-defense.

Warren and Jed were brought into this case. It is one of the hardest cases either of them have worked on. They have to figure out if he is a troubled ten year old kid, or a scared ten year old kid. Working day and night, both Warren and Jed were exhausted, though they are determined to solve this case. This book is a page turner. Once you start reading the first page, you won't be able to put it down. Is Nathan innocent or guilty. You'll find out at the end.

Resumos Relacionados

- Sophie's Choice

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