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Awaken The Giant Within
(Anthony Robbins)

Anthony Robbins is a giant in the self-improvement industry...physically and figuratively speaking. For more than 20 years, Tony Robbins has studied and mastered profound knowledge of human psychology and personal achievement.

Awaken The Giant Within is one of the most comprehensive books of knowing how the human mind works and what you can do to make positive changes in your life by simply understanding your thoughts and emotions. It is a manual that you can use to figure out your life, past and future. And once you figure it out, and I promise you that you will have a couple of a-ha! moments, then it is easier to change your behavior, or thinking pattern, or both.

Tony Robbins will show you step by step the fundamentals of changing your thinking, then changing your emotions and finally changing your actions so you can achieve the results you want in life.

The book has many examples, anecdotes, and personal stories, as well as diagrams and bulleted lists that will make it an enjoyable read. Although it has a lot of information and it may seem intimidating at first, Tony's easy to follow writing style and humor make it a great read, that you will want to go back to every now and then.

It is an eye opener into a different world, your inner world, which so seldom gets discovered. But if you truly want to discover yourself this book will show you how and you will realize that you can indeed awaken the giant within .

I highly recommend it for open-minded readers who are willing to improve their life and take it to the next level. Even for someone who is interested in learning about the human mind, this book explains it in an easy way that will make you more aware of why people do the things they do.

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