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This Is What I Saw
(Jorge Ramos)

Jorge Ramos is a mexican journalist who works in the USA for a spanish network television since 1984. THIS IS WHAT I SAW (Lo que vi, the title in spanish) is one of his books about his traveling work arround the world.
Stories that change the course of the world during the last two decades of the XX century is what this book is about.
When going through Latin America, Jorge Ramos describe how is the daily cuban life in the Fidel Castro's presidency. In Nicaragua, he write about the sandinistas, the socialist goverment who lost the elections in 1990.
The stop in Mexico is about the earthquake which destroyed and killed thousands of people in Mexico City, in 1985. And then Ramos goes to Chile, in 1989, when Augusto Pinochet lost the power of the country after 16 years as a president and then he is arrested in London, in 1998. Other significant news about Guatemala, Venezuela, Argentina and Peru are part of this first chapter.
Short stories about every important new in the world that Jorge Ramos showed on television at the time, is what he compile in this book. And the chapters include different geographical regions in Latin America, USA, Asia, Africa and Europe.
One of his works in Asia is to give us detail about the difference in Hong Kong before and after Britain give the City back to the chinese goverment, in 1997.
In Africa, Jorge Ramos chose Sudafrica to let us now that even Nelson Mandela finished the apartheid in 1994, this african country is one of the most inequal and unfair in the whole world, said Ramos.
Then, in Europe, Jorge Ramos witnessed how The Wall fell in Berlin, in 1989. And how Rusia goes into the process to become a capitalist country.
People interested in the world history during the last 20 years of the last century have a guide in Jorge Ramos's book.

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