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God Emperor Of Dune
(Frank Hebert)

This is probably the most philosophical book of the Dune in which the theories presented in the three previous books are developed and discussed between the different characters and Leto Atreides the second. Contrary to the three previous books, in God Emperor of Dune action is secondary; the book is mainly focused in the different dialogues among the characters that form part of the story. This book is more a reflection of the changes provoked in the Fremen civilization, that symbolizes any other civilization, through the millennia and the environmental changes of the planet; as well as the patterns an outsider, Leto, can see in those changes.
As more than three thousand years have elapsed since Leto Atreides the second ascended to the Golden throne, we are presented a different Dune which we can barely recognise. The once dessert planet, full of worms and spice, has converted into a water planet full of forest, mountains and rivers; Leto's Shareer is the only remaining of its mythical dessert. The once proud Fremen warriors depicted in the three first novels have totally disappeared, only the Fremen Museums and the Oral Tradition remember Dune?s present inhabitants of their proud past. Only two characters remember Dune and its culture as it was before Leto's Empire, Leto himself who has lived more than three thousand years thanks to his symbiosis with sandtrout and is becoming a worm, and Duncan Idaho who has been regenerated during those years by the Bene Tleilax. In this context we find Siona, Leto?s descendant, a young woman who is part of a rebel group that is against the Tyrant as they call Leto. Together with a group of rebels, Siona steals Leto's private diaries in which the rebels find the story of Leto's long Empire from his point of view. The rebel group studies profoundly the diaries seeking a weakness to finish with the Tyrant's life but they do not know that one of Leto's Fish Speakers has infiltrated in their group so he knows what their plans are.
Apart from this rebel group, the Bene Tleilax also try to kill the God Emperor by means of their new Duncan Idaho ghola but Leto's Fish Speakers, an army similar to Sardukar formed only by women, stops the complot with not further repercussion. The Ixians will also try to destroy Leto by sending him their ambassador Hwi Noree, a woman created to attract Atreides men (so she attracts Moneo, Leto and Duncan). Of course, none of this complots really work as Leto Atreides expects them and previously prepares himself; thus enhancing the image that he has spread that he is invincible. But will be during Siona test in the Shareer that she finds the only weakness the Emperor has and that will permit Siona to finally terminate Leto?s long live thus liberating the sandtrout and beginning the cycle that made Dune a dessert planet. Duncan Idaho and Nayla, Leto?s infiltrated Fish Speaker, help Siona to elaborate the trap that will finally destroy the Tyrant and his court including Siona?s father Moneo and Leto?s bride Hwi Noree. Through final conversation among Leto, Siona and Duncan the reader will discover not only the Emperor was expecting this attack but will also discover some of the hidden motives that compelled Leto to take such a path for his life.
The main character of this book is obviously Leto Atreides the second and the whole mystique that has been created around his person. We are presented two different Letos who oppose each other, on one hand he is a destructive predator, a cruel teacher that tyrannizes the society he governs but on the other hand he is probably the most human character of the whole story, full of understanding and wisdom that he has acquired during his long govern as Emperor. Leto has taken the responsibility to teach the human race so that they learn from their past mistakes and can advance into a more appropriate race to survive in the universe.
In this book some of the characters that form part of Leto?s breeding programme, have ceimportant changes and improves such as a super strength or a super velocity of attack; for example Siona can hide herself from the Oracles thus rendering impossible for them to know what is she planning. Those changes will be very important in the two last novels as they will form part of certain people.

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