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Romeo And Juliet
(William Shakespeare)

As the story opens, the families of Capulets and Montagues of Verona are feuding.
Romeo Montague believes in ?make love not war,? and is pinning for a girl named Rosalind, but when he and his friends crash a Capulet masquerade party, he sees and falls for Juliet Capulet. She, like Romeo, is a romantic and who falls for the teenage sweet-talk he woos her with. As the party ends, both realize they were flirting with ?the enemy?, which seems to fuel their infatuation for one another rather than distance them.
Juliet?s aid-de-camp, her Nurse, helps her to marry Romeo though she knows the young woman?s parents would be against the match. Romeo?s mentor Friar Laurence also decides to help in hopes that a wedding of the pair will unite their families. Unfortunately, secretly newlywed Romeo?s good friend Mercutio is killed by Juliet?s cousin Tybalt, who sought only to strike him but did so fatally when Romeo tried to stop their dueling. A tearful and vengeful Romeo kills Tybalt in return and is banished from Verona by the ruling Prince. He is told by Friar Laurence to stay with Juliet for their wedding night, but flee in exile until tempers calm down, their marriage be made public and the Prince allow him to return. He does so, but Juliet?s father has decided that she would be comforted about Tybalt?s demise by becoming engaged to a local count (Paris). Her Nurse encourages her to forget banished Romeo and marry the man her parents have chosen, but she flees for help to Friar Laurence who pities her and gives her a dose of drugs that will make her appear dead. He assures Juliet this will allow her to later escape into exile with Romeo, whom he would send word to by mule-messenger to rescue her at the Capulet family tomb. Before word of this plot reaches him, Romeo first hears the rumor that Juliet has died from his own messenger, and returns to Verona in despair. He duels with and in self-defense kills Count Paris (who erroneously thinks Romeo has come to cause harm in the tomb against the Capulets) and then takes a lethal dose of drugs after kissing sleeping Juliet goodbye. When she wakes and sees him dead, Juliet takes Romeo?s dagger and stabs herself to finally be with him forever. Later at their joint service, the Prince admonishes their parents and himself in allowing their petty feud to escalate to such a tragic end. The Montague and Capulet fathers repent and finally end their differences.

The story of Romeo and Juliet is normally thought of as a story of ?love conquering all? in the end. It is so, but we should not miss the fact that the young lovers emotionally driven decisions assisted in their downfall. Examples of these ?bad moves? include Romeo being so lovesick over Rosalind but forgetting all about her at the mere sight of Juliet, and the pair deciding to marry the day after they met. Peace-loving Romeo also hot-headedly killed Tybalt directly after the latter accidentally killed Mercutio. Romeo later was forced to kill Count Paris, who quickly and falsely accused him of coming to Juliet?s tomb to do harm to her family. And of course, had Romeo not ended his own life so swiftly, he would have found out that his beloved Juliet was still alive and waiting to run away with him. It seems Shakespeare was sending a message to the young about the perils of hasty actions, and in no way should this lesson be ignored.

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