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(My own (shaheena faraz))

The 4th letter of english alphabets can form words like Death,Dignity,Destiny,Desire,Devil,Dearest and even Dream.
These words are not so important but yes they perform a special meaning in one's life and contribute in altering the life of a person,an individual.
Irrespective of age,every one dreams and thus have a Desire to fulfill that particular Dream when they are awake.Some desire to have name,some fame,some money,some want gud frenz,some want dignity,some a perfect status,some a life long partener,while some wish to have power to hurt others.
Its actually what we want but other side holds the wheel of Destiny which is fixed and hardly changes.Yet we do believe when someone predicts us,we have a great day ahead receiving gifts.
Destiny does not depend upon us but we do and we have to.whether we feel gud or bad.But somehow it holds gud for us.May be smiles if not then satisfaction.Then y HIT UR HEAD AGAINST D WALL.
To dream and to desire is what a person can do but changing his fate is impossible.Life is like a book infact a colorful one wid each day in store new colors-i.e. new experiences,new thoughts,new hopes,new challenges but one should be mentally strong n bear all to get even d smiles too.
Our destiny is designed by the almighty.It's actually his commands over us and he gives us challenges to face so that we become stronger,can stand up independently as an individual not always in a group.He loves and cares for us like a mother.He shows the right path to us for our welfare otherwise we would be sinnerand ultimately land up going to hell.Accepting our destiny is something we all must do.Not believing in destiny is to loose faith on god which is 100% false.

This name fame game of destiny is quite peculiar but promising too.
Be gud,kind,truthful and forgiving and live the rest to destiny.the Lord!!!

Shaheena Faraz (Resident of Delhi)

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