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Conversations With God, Book 1
(Neale Donald Walsch)

Have you ever questioned the purpose of life? Those of us who wonder about our reason for being here often feel completely alone in our search for meaning. But when you look at the number of books that focus on such things as ?spirituality? and the ?mind?, you realise that you are definitely not alone. People may not be very willing to talk about the deeper issues (perhaps it makes them feel vulnerable), but they do think about the big questions.

I have been reading quite a few books on New Age Spirituality recently. It?s fascinating stuff. I began with Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch, and the first book in this trilogy is what I?d like to tell you about here. This book has a real force: it makes your mind expand with concepts, it increases your awareness without at any point trying to brainwash you. And the book is so readable that you can get into it even if you don?t believe in the soul or life after death.

What makes CWG (Conversations With God) unique is that the entire text is presented as a dialogue with G/god. This makes the writing feel immediate and informal. There is also a sense of empathy with the author ? after all, this book is an account of an average man?s journey from depression into contentment, from darkness into light. Anyone who has felt desolate and lost in the chaos we call Planet Earth should definitely take a look at this.

I would, however, advise fellow readers to go with their own intuitions and evaluations of the text, so that the book can be enjoyed as a thoughtful piece of literature rather than one that is prescriptive. At the end of the day, we each have to find our own answers?

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