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Mothers At Work
(Melanie Hart)

As its blurb blandly tells us, Mothers At Work uncovers the secrets as to how real women successfully combine a career and a family.

This is a book that all mothers, most fathers and grandparents, and indeed anybody who has a child in their life will be able to relate to.

I remember buying the book. I remember the excitement I experienced when I saw the cover ? at the time, my sons were two and four years old (with some special needs) and I worked full time (and then some) at a recruitment company which was about an hour?s commute either way.

Aha, I thought, with passion ? there are others like me! I am not alone ? I don?t have to do this mothering, wifing, working thing all alone with no-one who knows what I am going through! So I snatched the book up and read it in one sitting (OK, that could be sitting, bathing, eating, lying ? all things I do whilst reading a book). And the sitting was broken by the variety of things a mother?s sitting could be broken by ? but you get the picture.

I?d expected the book to be of benefit to me and I was not disappointed. Although the book was published in the UK and the mothers interviewed are British I found much in the book that I could relate to ? and as I went through a variety of situations with them I laughed and cried along with all the 300 working mothers interviewed!

The book covers topics such as work, children, childcare, single parenting, partnerships, money, family, friends, attitudes and relaxation and is largely made up of actual quotes from actual mothers based on their own experiences. Do you want to work from home, do you want to work part-time, and do you not want to work at all? These mothers give you the tried and tested pros and cons.

It?s particularly beneficial when you are planning to go back to work and are exploring your childcare options, are looking for ideas about what to do during school holidays, how to incorporate relaxing into your regular schedule, etc.

The answer to most of your questions as a working parent are in this book ? because most likely one of these mothers has been through exactly the same thing.

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