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Slaves In The Family
(Edward Ball)

Abstract by: Wendy

Slaves in the Family by Edward Ball, 2003 National Book

Award winner, examines the shared

history of the Ball family, based in Charleston, South

Carolina, their slaves and their descendents in the

States from 1698 to the present. This is a book with

prose for general readers and endnotes, index, and a

genealogy for scholars. His central goal is to find
out more

about the people he only knew as Ball family slaves.

Ball, a former journalist, uses a family history,

plantation records, and interviews with surviving Ball

family members, which includes the descendents of
some of

the 4,000 Ball family slaves, to put human faces on the

slaves. In the process, he shares with the reader the

emotions both he and his relatives undergo as he

for information.

Ball finds evidence that disproves many of his family?s

myths about their slaves. For instance, he finds
accounts of

beatings and cohabitation with the slaves that produced

offspring. The writer warmly introduces readers to
some of

his black distant cousins.

Taking his inquiry full circle, Ball even takes a
trip to

Sierra Leone to interview the West African families
who sold

their fellow West Africans into slavery. Here he
finds less

remorse than one would expect.

Slaves in the Family by Edward Ball is an intimate

of slavery, showing that the history of the slaves
was not

something separate and distinct from the history of the

white masters but commingled with it. In addition, he

provides tools for the scholar who wants to know
more while

giving the general reader a unique perspective on an old


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