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A Night In Paris
(Nadir Tolstoy)

?I was twenty-three,? he continued, ?in Paris, touring the country; I had some R&R and decided to go into town and see what the fuss was about. We all heard about this infamous park, Bois-de-Bologne, and I wanted to see if these stories were true. The thing about this park is that during the day it?s like a normal park, families with kids running around, dogs, runners, cyclists, the whole thing, but at night, down certain streets the park becomes more than that. It?s where you?ll find hundreds of girls from all over the world, lined up like meat in a grocery store, naked and ready. You see, I hadn?t been with a woman for months; I left your grandmother to go into action, so I was feeling quite lonely. I?m sure you know how it is. I took a trip down there to see if I could pick up a lady. I searched the dark streets, trying to find a right whore that would be worth my infidelity. I probably walked for about an hour. I was becoming desperate. I needed something, anything. Seeing naked women leaning against trees with their skirts up, sitting on benches with their tits out made me hornier than ever. I had to find somebody quick. And finally, I found her. Across the street with several friends, she waved at me, smiling and raising her skirt up to show me herself. I couldn?t help but to walk towards her. I was hypnotized. Her beautiful tan skin and bright smile got me. She was a Colombian. Black long hair, angular face, big tits, long legs, real good hard body. And while she was doing her thing, I heard some muffled voice and grunts out by this way,? he waved his hand behind him to the right. ?I dismissed it at first because those are the things you hear in those places. But I heard it again and this time clearer. It was a scream that was muffled. I could tell because I remember that same sound when we had to muffle Kerry?s screams when he was shot and we were hiding in the bushes. You?ll never forget that sound. The first thought that came into my mind was to grab for this knife,? he raised the butterfly knife up to show Carlos. ?I had it in my pants. I reached down, pushing the whore away from me. She must?ve seen what I pulled out because she quickly got up and ran out into the light. I took the blade out and walked toward the noises.

?This time they were more frequent and I could tell where they were coming from. And there behind a tree, I saw them. A man huddled over the back of some French slut. I saw them as clear as day. He was pushing the woman?s head between a forked bark, holding her mouth with his hand and pulling the woman?s hair back with the other. I could see her throat was being dug into the pit of the branches and beginning to bleed, while the side of her face was being scratched up by one of the branches she was trapped in. Her back was bloody and I could tell her fight was all punched from her. I stood looking for only a moment until I reacted. Taking the man?s hair in my hand,? here he reached his open palm at Carlos? face and snapped it into a fist, ?I pulled down on it hard toward the ground. He yanked off her like Velcro. Quickly I jumped on him and began my own little number on his face. Without knowing what happened, the man gave into me and didn?t lift a finger in defense. I didn?t beat him till he passed out because I wanted him to be aware of what I was going to do next. I brought the blade up to his cheek and pressed in hard enough to let out a line of blood. I woke him when I did that. I told him, ?you like to give pain. You like to see someone suffer. Like to be in control. Well, let me show you my control. Let me be the man now that I?m on top of you. I?m gonna make you feel good, you little bitch.? I brought down the blade,? he put the dull side of the knife to his neck and traced a line down his stomach to his crootch, ?and there, choking him with my one hand, I pushed into his sac cutting between his balls. Making a slit big enough to reach in it. I don?t remember how I did it but I managed to pull one out, snapping all the little cords it was attached to. I brought it to his face and told him to open his mouth wide or I would take out the other. He listened. And there I placed his ball right on his bloody tongue. I told him if he ever thought it necessary to rough up a lady that his ball he was tasting should be a reason to think twice. And there just like that, I was off him.

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