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I, Robot
(Isaac Asimov)

How far will humanity go in regard to artificial intelligence? Will human beings become dieties by creating non-biological (life) in the form of human-appearing androids? Will androids such as Data of the Starship Enterprise populate the future? Will more merciless machines such as those from the Terminator motion picture series be more in vogue? Consider the plight of Adam Link. Not human but not quite robot. Adam, like every human being, did not ask to be brought into existence. He was child-like during his formative stages. Adam was required to learn just like human children. No child loved its parent more than Adam loved his although that love could not be conveyed in a conventional manner. This tremendous work CANNOT be judged on the lackluster motion picture featuring Will Smith. A more poignant portrayal of Adam appears in an early Twilight Zone episode. Circumstances indicate that Adam kills his creator although the death was the result of a tragic accident. Small-minded townspeople confine Adam to jail then put him on trial for murder. It is later evident that Adam could have ended his jail confinement at any time but chose to allow human justice to take its (usually unjust) course. It is no surprise that he is judged guilty then sentenced to death (dismantling). The robot sacrifices its (life) for that of a human child. Which proved to be more noble? Man or machine? Will biologically based life give way to microchip circutry in more logical metal (bodies) in the not-too-distant future? Perhaps an early glimpse of that future is provided by Isaac Asimov. It has been said that machines capable of violence without emotions are dangerous. They can prove no more dangerous than emotionally crippled human beings. Will a future Adam prove more worthy to be in the Garden of Eden than a flesh and blood Adam? Perhaps time WILL tell.

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