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China, Inc.
(Ted Fishman)

China, Inc.
Ted Fishman

In this book, author Ted Fishman explores the implications of China?s growing geopolitical and economic strength on the world. Writing from a relatively unbiased standpoint, Fishman is able to point out aspects of China?s growth that will pervade world culture and economics that other political analysts haven?t.

One example of China?s soon to be gigantic influence on world economics is the fact that China is able to rapidly undercut prices using techniques completely unheard of in the rest of the civilized world. For instance, Chinese workers can work up to 12 hours a day and even weekends at subsistence level because even those wages and those hours are better than those in the poor rural countryside. With rapid migration of rural workers into the city, China?s industrial machines are powered by the world?s cheapest labor operating at ridiculous efficiency because of the discipline of Chinese workers. Chinese laborers are so cheap and efficient, Chinese factories can even undercut American factories that operate with state of the art Machines. These machines cost thousands and sometimes millions but Chinese workers will work for under a dollar an hour for 12 hours a week and seven days a week, even on weekends. In addition, without copyright laws, technology seeping into China is rapidly stolen and also rapidly pirated at extremely good quality. Where other developing nations have had a hard time developing excellent technology because of the price of technology transfers and licenses, the Chinese simply steal the technology, copy it, retail it, and work from there. Thus fuels a 9% growth rate that even the fastest growing developing nations couldn?t even imagine matching.

China is growing in influence and as America tries to stay on top, or even keep up in certain areas, it is becoming more and more apparent that every part of Chinese life is becoming better as it rises to its potential. Countries are using China as a buffer in geo-political alliances, industries are rapidly moving abroad, retailers and all kinds of businesses are flying to gain margins from the world?s most populous and fastest growing nation. The competition for resources and for economic/political balance will become a balancing act for the United States in a playing ground that is far from fair or familiar.

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