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Importance Of Davinci Code?

The Davinci Code is one of the most popular books in history. It is also of some import to many professional and amatuer theroists. Dan Brown has done his research for this book. But this tome should be read with some caution. The Davinci Code is a work of fiction. Although there are many historical facts it draws upon the issue remains that it is not historical fact.
Brown weaves an intersting dramatic tale of international intrigue that appears on the surface to answer questions log sought after by many people including theologians and scholars. The story follows a convenient timeline with a beginning and an middle and a dramatic denoument. But Brown is also theorizing the events and apparent answers he projects in this work. There are really no pat answers to some of the paradoxes portrayed in this book. The answers are got at too simply and too conveniently. The rituals and secret cults and shadowy figures have roamed through stories for many many years without concrete answers. Therefore it is difficult for Brown to answer so many without taking some poetic license and some risk.
This book seems to ask more questions than to answer them but at least it makes one wonder, makes one think. The Davinci Code has brought these questions to the forefront of public thought. It has also pointed out the importance of the Davinci Code and how it relates to modern times and modern thought.
Perhaps Brown will come out with a sequel. Is this needed? It seems that any work on this subject must be of a factual nature rather than fictional.
How important is this book? Many millions have read it. Many millions more will do so. It has spawned many other books and works supporting it and many opposing it.Perhaps only time will tell.

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