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(Jane Austen)

Last and one of the most romantic novels out of all written by Jane Austen, Persuasion is the story of Anne Elliot, the 27 years old heroine of the novel and the causes and consequences of her refusal to marry someone she loved deeply several years ago.

The novel tells the story of Elliot household that comprises of the widowed baronet Sir Walter Elliot, his three daughters (Elizabeth, Anne, and Mary) and a future male heir of the estate, William Walter Elliot. Sir Walter is a vain and pompous man who, though in debt, still wants to lead a luxurious and lavish life just to keep up a pretense in society. Elizabeth is the eldest daughter, unmarried and looking after the household affairs. Anne is the second daughter, also unmarried, but not much attended to or liked by Sir Walter and Elizabeth. Mary, the third daughter has married Charles Musgrove. Wiliam has left the house and married a wealthy woman of common lineage.

The story moves ahead as the Elliots are forced and persuaded to lease their home (Kellynch-Hall) to Admiral and Mrs. (Sophia) Croft for want of money. Sophia has two brothers, Mr. Edward Wentworth (curate at Monkford) and Captain Frederick Wentworth. As it turns out, several years back when Anne was 19 years old, both Frederick and she were in love with each other and wanted to get married. But due to strong disapproval of her father and lady Russell (her dead mother?s close friend, also advisor of the family) against Frederick?s small income, Anne was persuaded to refuse marrying him. To complicate matters more, she refused marriage to Charles Musgrove also.

When Sir Walter Elliot, Elizabeth, and Mrs. Clay (who is a greedy friend of Elizabeth, divorced with two kids and interested in Sir Walter) go to Bath, Anne goes to visit her third sister Mary. There Frederick arrives to visit the Musgroves as he is an old acquaintance of the family. He and the deceased son of the Musgroves, Richard both were in the same ship. When he sees Anne there, old memories revive back and he still has not forgiven her for refusing to marry him. He is very cold and polite towards her during this visit. The Musgroves? poor cousins also live nearby and one of the cousins, Charles Hayter is very much interested in Henrietta, the oldest daughter of the Musgroves. He does not like Herietta?s showing extra interest in Frederick. Frederick also comes to know from his sister Louisa that Anne refused giving her hand in marriage to Charles Musgrove.

When Anne realizes that Frederick does not love Louisa, she starts glowing and feels happy. Similarly when Anne?s cousin brother William Elliot shows renewed interest in her, Frederick feels jealous. But Lady Russell and Anne?s father seem to be happy about this interest and want Anne to marry the widowed William. It is only when Anne goes to meet her former governess Mrs. Hamilton Smith that she comes to know of the true devilish nature and doings of William Elliot through Mrs. Hamilton Smith. Anne decides to apprize Lady Russell of the deeds and dirty intentions of grabbing the Elliot inheritance by hook or crook by William to Lady Russell. As Anne is considering the vicious nature of William and Mrs. Clay, both of these characters are seen meeting in the street.

The novels many complications come to an end when Anne goes to Musgrove lodgings and there Frederick is found writing a letter. He gives that letter to Anne expressing his still very keen and strong feelings of love for her. He asks her if it?s not too late to win back her heart and hand. Anne asks to meet him privately and declares her undying love for him. She accepts her foolishness for not saying yes to his proposal seven years back due to her sense of duty for the Elliot family. Their marriage decision is accepted by all happily, except Elizabeth who remains cold to the whole affair. Lady Russell agrees to her being wrong in dissuading Anne to marry Frederick several years back. William?s wrong intentions cometo an end with the marriage of Anne and Frederick and he takes Mrs. Clay under his protection to desist her marrying Sir Elliot senior.

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