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Harry Potter And The Half - Blood Prince
(J K Rowling)

One Minute Past Midnight 16th of July 2005 London time and
Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince hit his fans with
all the force that Ms. J K Rowling had mastered over the
past decade.

It is magic time again and Pottermaniacs, some
carrying even live snakes besieged the bookstores. In
Sydney, the Gleewarts Express took more than 1000 fans,
dressed as their favorite character, from around the world
to a secret location outside the city to receive their copy.

The Hogwarts Express, which Harry and his friends
all take to school leaves from London?s King Cross station ?
the very station where the London bombers gathered minutes
before the explosions that rocked the city just nine days
ago on 7/7.

With Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix -
one understood what made the evil wizard Lord Voldemort
kill Harry's parents and also tried to kill him as an
infant-- and that one of them would have to kill the other
in order to survive.

The wizarding world is at war: Lord Voldemort and
his Death ? Eaters have grown so powerful that their evil
deeds have spilled over into the Muggle world of non magic
folks and even their Prime Minister had to be warned.

Harry has his suspicions about the various attacks
on his schoolmates - Ron included. He has become more aware
than ever of what he and voldemort has in common ? from
orphaned childhood to an ability to talk Parseltongue,
Snake speech, to the possession of matching wands.

As sixth-year students, Harry and company have
moved on from the magical basics into more complicated
studies, preparing for their after-school careers.

Harry, learns a lot about his enemy-- about his
past, about what made Tom Riddle turn Lord Voldemort and
about a potential weakness.

Harry, now 16, evolves in this book and glimpses
of the man he is turning into, his character and his
strength of will is a learning experience.

The 'Half-Blood Prince' takes away from us, a
character We loved so much all these time and who We always
felt is eternal and will be with us forever. His demise
leaves us in mourning for all time to come.

But it wouldn't be Hogwarts without magic and
mystery. And Magic it is all the way and another GEM that
We all will cherish for ages to come has seen the light of
the day.

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- Harry Potter And The Half-blood Prince

- Harry Potter

- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

- Harry Potter And The Half-blood Prince

- Harry Potter

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