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Arthur Harrypotter Lord Of The Rings
(jk rowling jr tolkin)

i like aol as a website. it has alot to offer everybody and has a childrens website also. i also like LORD OF THE RINGS AND HARRY POTTER.i think both books and movies are very interesting and the movies were very exciting. The special effects was really good in the 3rd lord of the rings movie and the story line was also good what i didnt like was the ending of the lord of the rings as FRODO left and we dont know who will continue with the next book if there is one.
I also liked Arthur and camelot.they told of the ways of the old knights and the true story of King Arthur.
Some say that Arthur was fiction and camelot but to those to believe in those stories and legends Arthur and the knights were real as you and me.In the recent movie Arthur was a roman officer and fought the britons but in real life he was a briton and lived in England and ruled Camelot and Avalon justly and and fairly.he treated everybody with respect and dignity. King Arthur's sword Excalibur was even more famous than his owner.it was forged from a meteorite and was strong and supposed to have special strength for those who used it. In a war of strength and valor every knight in camelot tried to pull the sword from the stone but noone could and by chance Arthur was there as a squire and was given a chance to try to pull it out and he succeeded in doing so and by right of the land he became the rightful King of England and united everyone under his banner.If it wasnt for a wizard called Merlin who trained Arthur in the ways of been a graceful ruler.Arthur wouldnt have been a successful king and ruler back then.
I let you decicde.

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