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The Affair
(Ophelia Crane)

Ophelia Crane?s the Affair leaves the reader to ask, how deep is your love?

Picture it. Present day Detroit during one of the hottest
summer weeks of the year. Nola Scott is rapidly
approaching her thirtieth birthday. She dreads
her milestone and has decided to celebrate it quietly?that is until her friend
Angie shows up.

Angie then takes her on a road trip to celebrate her thirty
years of life and while on this trip, they go to a concert wherein Nola meets
the woman of her dreams?literally. She
sees a woman that has plagued her nightmares since she was twelve years old in
the crowd and the fun begins.

Sound interesting? It only gets better from there. We are
taken on a roller coaster ride of thrills as Nola struggles to save the life of
a woman that she?s seen tortured night after night since they were both at the
tender age of twelve.

To give you a little back story, Nola was born into a
cult-like group called the Holders of
Light ? an underground society of psychics, warriors, and presumably
several other magical castes whose mission is destroy the supernatural evil in
our land. Unfortunately, poor Nola was
removed from the group when a mysterious drifter killed her mother. She eventually strays from the flock in
search of her own life.

Meanwhile, as Nola was being shifted from foster home to foster
home, Victoria is being initiated
into a terrible curse. In the first
chapter the reader bears witness to the people of her small town giving the
young twelve year old to a horrifying demon by the name of Lord Mulder. Victoria
is subsequently beaten and raped until she prays for death. She must bear this curse every night until
she is thirty years old. Talk about your tough breaks.

Nola dreams of Victoria?s
pain from the very first incident and begins drawing them, eventually turning
the outlet into a skill by becoming a painter as an adult. When she finds herself face to face with what
she only thought was a terrible dream, she slowly comes to realize that she was
meant to break Victoria?s curse.

This story is relatively well written (save some editing
issues here and there). The turn of
phrase is engaging and the character development is remarkably well done
considering the short span of time that this story occurs. The story is fast moving with chapter-to-chapter
thrills that are reminiscent of a summer blockbuster movie. By the end of this tale, the reader is
exhausted?and begging for more.

This is a good read, but hard to find in bookstores as Crane
chose to self publish this novel on Lulu.com.
It is available through Borderstores.com as well as Amazon, Barnes and
Noble, Waldenbooks as well as Lulu.com, but the only store that carries the
book is Borders in her hometown of Michigan. But don?t let that
stop you. This book is worth the effort. I highly recommend this novel
for the summer reader.

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