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Letting Go
(Kelly Donovan)

My best friend overdosed on heroin when we were only fifteen years old. I was more concerned about getting a reputation as a snitch than to help him. I am left feeling the guilt, pain and regrets for the rest of my life. Hopefully if you are an addict or someone you know is one, you won't make the same mistake I made and you will get out of denial and get help before it is too late. Nothing good comes out of addiction. Nothing but misery, pain, regrets, devestation, anger, humiliation, nothing but the worst and it's not worth risking your life or someone you love.
I write poety to get my feeling out that are too painful to talk about and I hope that it encourages an addict to get help. Tomorrow may be too late, ten minutes may even be too late. Your last high could also be your last breath and it is not worth risking your life for. Hopefully my poem can help an addict from making the same mistakes I made.
Letting Go
Drugs are doing it, they are ripping us apart.
They are so hard to quit, once you start.
They make you lie, rob and steal.
They make your mind not know what is real.
You had gotten so bad, how didn't I see?
That you were slipping, even away from me.
Ruining the good life that you once had.
Hurting all your loved ones really bad.
I thought I was with you through thick and thin.
I never imagined that the drugs would win.
I found you too late, there wasn't a thing I could do.
All I could think was how could I go on without you?
I loved you with all my heart and soul.
A love so strong but now you will never know.
How could you leave me? How could you go?
I was so blind but watched you go.
I wanted to join you, I wanted to die.
So I spent many years chasing the high.
No matter how much I would do, I just wouldn't die.
So I had to go through life without you by my side.
The guilt is killing me, I need to let go.
No matter how much it hurts me so.
It hasn't been easy, you never go away.
It's been fifteen years and I think of you still today.
Even though you're not here, you're in heaven above,
You will still always be my one true love.

Resumos Relacionados

- For My True Love

- Risks

- Goodbye Heroin

- Love

- My Story

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