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A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court
(Mark Twain)

From the delightful mind of ?Mark Twain? comes a story as preposterous as any that he?d ever written. Samual Clemens (his real name) had an interesting life and even more biting tongue, which he rarely, if ever, kept in his mouth. This is the one ?fantasy? novel that Twain wrote. His best-known work to young and old alike is surely, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, but if this novel is nothing like the story of a riverboat rat.

The reference to Connecticut Yankee is no accident. Like previous novels, this one too has a semi-autobiographical main character. His name is Hank Morgan, and like the author, cannot keep a civil tongue in his head nor keep his imaginative creativity from almost being the literal death of him.

The main story takes place when Hank is plopped down in 13th century England in the midst of the mythical kingdom of Camelot. He enters the life of Knights of the Round Table with Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere. The problems really begin to arise when Hank begins to mettle in the order of the time, namely the rule of king above serf. Even after getting the title of ?The Boss? from King Arthur, he can?t help but breed revolt among the ranks.

Hank?s ?yankee ingenuity? creates schools and factories, a newspaper, and even a primitive form of telephone. To tell you of the ending would ruin a marvelous journey you must take for yourself. Twain is clearly the master of all that he does. With this fantastical tale, he grabs the reader and doesn't let go. This is a wonderfully magical tale which will delight both child and adult reader. It?s been told and retold, brought to the stage and screen, and will continue interest generations to come.

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