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Pet Cemetery
(Stephen King)

Pet Cemetery
By Stephen King
This story begins with the Creed family moving to a rural portion of Maine where the father Louis will work as a physician. The family consists of Louis, the father, his wife and their two children Ellie and Gage. Not long after moving to the area they meet and befriend an old man by the name of Judd Crandall. What separates the home of the Creed?s and Crandall?s is a fairly large road where road kill can often be found. It is not long before the Creed?s Pet cat, Church, becomes one such road kill.
The death of Church is taken very hard by Ellie, a preteen. It is then that Judd Crandall tells Louis about the pet cemetery and how it has a knack for waking the dead. Believed to be an Indian burial ground, there apparently lied some sinister spirit that seemed to wake the dead in a special way.
So Church is buried, and brought to life, courtesy of the Pet Cemetery. It soon becomes apparent that Church should not have been resurrected, as he becomes more sinister and threatening as time passes. Eventually the toddler Gage runs out into the road that is responsible for claiming so many lives, and his life is taken as well. Unable to deal with the grief, Louis buries Gage there as well. Gage is resurrected as the Pet Cemetery promises, although he is not the child that the Crandall?s hoped for. Perhaps the most frightening thing in diapers, Gage takes on his new role in the family with a ferocity, and King makes being afraid of a toddler a lot more conceivable.
While Pet Cemetery was not one of King?s best novels, it was one that certainly garnered some attention in that it became a movie with a subsequent sequel.

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