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(John J. Nance)

John J. Nance has created a new category in the genre of suspense
novels. It?s the aviation thriller. A pilot himself, and a lawyer by
training, he presents novels which focus attention on flying and the
world of aviation (both civilian and military). He takes readers behind
the scenes in his novels, showing the inner workings of commercial
airlines and the people who work for them.In Turbulence, he
offers a storyline which will have readers constantly on the edge of
their seats, wondering what?s going to happen next. The term
turbulence, of course, refers to an atmospheric effect that causes
planes to be jostled around while in flight. People already nervous
about taking to the air will likely become thoroughly unsettled if the
plane they?re traveling on starts bouncing around in space due to
turbulence.Of course, a pilot?s skill in handling an aircraft
will determine in part how well passengers come through such an
experience. It would be interesting to know how often flyers in real
life think about what a pilot is actually doing during flight and how
his actions might affect them. Nance shines a spotlight on that very
issue in this book. By showing how fallible pilots are?they are human,
after all?he demonstrates in dramatic fashion how a poorly prepared,
hostile and haughty pilot unnecessarily puts the lives of a planeload
of passengers, as well as his own life, at risk.Set in today?s
world, Turbulence illustrates in compelling fashion why governmental
officials and military personnel can become very jittery when they?re
unable to make radio contact with an aircraft deviating from its
authorized flight plan. Further, plot points in the story add to
reader?s understanding of why airline service is steadily deteriorating
these days, especially at the largest carriers.While Nance is
already very knowledgeable about the aviation industry, he does a good
deal of research for each of his books. Thus, in a way, readers can
consider themselves as getting a unique education about flying and the
handling of aircraft as they read a thriller such as Turbulence.

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